The most common mental health issues in teenagers are anxiety and depression. Depression can lead to difficulties in relationships, struggle with schoolwork, and inability to cope with stress.
It is essential to get an understanding of what causes these disorders and how to find support to manage mental health concerns. This article provides insights and suggestions to help.
Anxiety and depression in teens are on the rise. Many teenagers and young adults struggle with peer pressure, family conflicts, and worry about their future. Adding social media and academic pressures to the mix can increase stress. Fortunately, there are ways to help get through the tough times.
A study by Jean Twenge, author of Generation Me, and iGen showed that rates of serious psychological distress in young adults are increasing drastically. Moreover, the iGen generation, born in the mid-1990s, suffered from more serious mental health issues than their parents and grandparents' generations.
Getting enough sleep is one of the most important ways to help relieve the negative effects of stress that leads to depression and anxiety. Teenagers need eight to ten hours a night to maintain a healthy mental and physical state. Eating well and adequate exercise can also help you feel better mentally.
Genetics and Environment
In addition to genetic influences, the environment has been identified as one of the most important contributors to depression and anxiety in teens. To understand these factors, behavioral genetic studies have investigated the main causes of anxiety and depression in adolescents.
The evidence collected from several studies over the years indicate modest to moderate genetic influence on anxiety. Children whose parents suffer from depression or anxiety have a 40% chance of inherited mental illness. This is especially true for boys. However, the magnitude of genetic effect varies according to the age of the sample. This means that children who are genetically prone to mental illnesses usually begin to show depressed behavior at a younger age.
The most common genetic factors studied were the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems. Research has linked these to high levels of symptoms, but the genes responsible are still unclear. Another study has focused on the BDNF gene plasticity index in adolescents with depressive symptoms.
Anxiety and Depression Symptoms
It's important to recognize symptoms and do not be afraid to seek help. One of the most important things to understand if you are a young person or a parent with a teen who is suffering, is that these intense emotions are not forever. As the brain and body matures, it becomes easier to cope with the emotions.
Seek counseling and talk with family and friends, but please keep in mind that anxiety or depression as a teen does not define who you are. While you are experiencing these symptoms, it can feel as if the bad feelings will never go away, but they will. Your strength and ability to overcome them will make you a strong and productive adult.
Teenagers are often stressed by academic pressures and family conflict. This is compounded by increased social pressures. They are expected to succeed and excel in extracurricular activities.
Teens are also good at hiding their emotions, which can lead to anxiety. Anxiety can manifest itself in the form of irritability, anger, and headaches.
The major symptoms of depression are sadness, lack of energy, feeling hopeless, loss of interest in activities, and sleep disturbances.
In recent years, the percentage of American young adults who report suicidal thoughts has increased. There's also a growing awareness about the importance of having a healthy mental state. These concerns extend across racial, socioeconomic, and gender demographics.
Social Media
Social media has become an integral part of adolescence. Teenagers use these platforms to express themselves, communicate with others, and stay up to date with the news. However, it can also trigger an unhealthy cycle of isolation and rejection.
While the long-term effects of social media on adolescent mental health are unclear, a growing body of research suggests it may contribute to the rising rate of depression and anxiety.
In a recent study, researchers found that half of teenage girls experienced anxiety or depression. One study specifically pinpointed a lack of positive feedback on social media as a major cause of depressive symptoms. The problem is much deeper, as teens don't spend as much time going out and socializing. The notion of replacing "real friends" with online friends is not a healthy solution to teens need for social interaction. Meanwhile, suicide has become a major concern for the younger generation.
Help is Available
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than 3.2 million children aged 12-17 have had a major depressive episode in the past year. Suicide rates among teenagers are higher than in adults. This is especially true for females.
Depression and anxiety are often treated with a combination of medication and talk therapy. Antidepressants can help correct a chemical imbalance in the brain. Talk therapy can help a teen identify negative thought patterns and change them. School counselors can be a good start to help you find the support you need. Be sure to find a counselor or therapist that you are comfortable with. It might take a few tries to find someone you like. Learn the importance of self-care, talk with family, be kind to yourself, and demand the respect that you deserve. If someone is negative and makes you feel bad, you don’t need them in your life. Find better people. And remember that your outlook will improve as you mature.
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